Annie Roth
Bats Discovered to Have Sex in a Way That’s Similar to Birds
Bats have long been known for unusual forms of sexual reproduction, and a new study adds another surprise to the behaviors of the winged mammals.
A Sea Otter Is Stealing Surfboards Near Santa Cruz, California
California wildlife officials are hoping to apprehend a 5-year-old sea otter, who has a knack for riding the waves after committing longboard larceny.
The Shark ‘Didn’t Look Right.’ Was It a Plastic Toy?
Scientists have retracted a study that showed a rare goblin shark washed up on a Greek beach after other researchers voiced doubts about the find.
Not Just a Big Fish, but Perhaps the Biggest Bony Fish Ever
A sunfish found near the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean weighed as much as an S.U.V. Scientists say it’s a sign that the sea’s largest...
To Save Whales, Don’t Eat Lobster, Watchdog Group Says
The group says that the shellfish, long considered a more responsible choice, cannot be considered a guilt-free meal anymore.
The Ocean’s Biggest Garbage Pile Is Full of Floating Life
Researchers found that small sea creatures exist in equal number with pieces of plastic in parts of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which could have...
The Ocean’s Biggest Garbage Pile Is Full of Floating Life
Researchers found that small sea creatures exist in equal number with pieces of plastic in parts of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which could have...
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