In the U.S., Backlash to Civil Rights Era Made Guns a Political Third Rail
Other countries changed course after massacres. But American political protection for guns is unique, and has become inseparable from conservative credentials.
‘Misoginia de la era colonial’: en los fallos sobre los derechos de las mujeres se cita a un juez del siglo XVII
Tanto en India como en el borrador del fallo Roe v. Wade en Estados Unidos, todavía ocupa un lugar preponderante un juez inglés que escribió...
The 17th-Century English Judge Behind Abortion and Rape Rulings Today
Both in India and in the Roe v. Wade draft ruling roiling the United States, Lord Matthew Hale — an English judge who wrote that...
To Keep Putin and His Oligarchs Afloat, It Takes a System
Out of a halting attempt at democratization grew a corrupt ecosystem that has proved very difficult for the Russian elite to resist.
Roe Inspired Activists Worldwide, Who May Be Rethinking Strategy
Feminist movements in some countries similarly sought abortion protections in their courts, but for others, the goal was legislative change.
Roe Inspired Activists Worldwide, Who May Be Rethinking Strategy
Feminist movements in some countries similarly sought abortion protections in their courts, but for others, the goal was legislative change.
The Unsettling Warning in France’s Election
A record number of abstentions, and a strictly binary choice for voters — many of whom said they were picking the lesser of two evils...
A Crisis for Mothers
The war in Ukraine has led to familiar, but heightened, problems for women.
The Ukrainian Refugee Crisis Is a Women’s Crisis
A wave of displaced women and children into Poland is forcing the country to address its lack of protections for working women.
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