The World Tries to Move Beyond Covid. China May Stand in the Way.
Xi Jinping has redoubled his country’s efforts to control the virus, even as a growing number of leaders call on Beijing to change course.
Star Ferry, ‘Emblem of Hong Kong,’ May Sail Into History After 142 Years
Launched in 1880, the ferry has witnessed both Hong Kong’s transformation into a global financial hub and its history of protests. But battered by a...
China’s Widespread Lockdowns Will Bring an Economic Toll
The country’s zero-tolerance policy for coronavirus cases has analysts downgrading China economic growth forecasts.
Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s Leader, Will Not Seek Second Term
Mrs. Lam has been criticized by residents and pro-Beijing lawmakers for mixed messaging and mishandling the city’s fifth coronavirus outbreak.
China’s Divorce Rate Is Down, but So Are Marriages
While officials say a new law has helped save marriages, the bigger challenge in the country’s demographic crisis is that fewer people are getting married...